If you're gonna try this, you already know what the client-side cert is. To get it, just issue the following command:
# install fedora-packager
yum install fedora-packager
# get the certificates
Your certs are called .fedora.cert, .fedora-server-ca.cert and .fedora-upload-ca.cert.
Now, we need to convert the cert for our browsers to use and add it:
# convert the cert
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ~/.fedora.cert -CAfile ~/.fedora-upload-ca.cert -out ~/fedora-browser-cert.p12
# add it to chrome
pk12util -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -i ~/fedora-browser-cert.p12
That's it!
If you wanna install Google Chrome, I suggest using their own fedora repo: http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/yum.html