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HowTo: Permanently redirect a request with parameter consideration in Tengine/NginX

Well, this one gave me a super hard time. I looked everywhere and found nothing. There is a lot of misinformation.

As usual, the Nginx and Funtoo communities helped me. Thanks to:

  • MTecknology in #nginx @ Freenode
  • Tracerneo in #funtoo @ Freenode

So, how do we do this? Easy, we use a …

CFDI y FOSS @ México

Bueno, de la manera más informal y no oficial, me gustaría escribir el primer artículo; presumo, sobre

Es un proyectito que están escribiendo unos batos locos del D.F. y de PythonCabal; así como de otros lados. Una colaboración como pocas que han habido en …

El dir-foss va creciendo

Que gusto me dá que esté creciendo el proyecto de dir-foss. La gente de México ha estado colaborando bastante para hacer el proyecto de fiar y demás.

Nos faltan algunas cosas, todavía. Por ejemplo:

  • Hay que hacerlo más bonito.
  • Hay que seguir agregando gente.
  • Hay que escribir algunas pruebillas unitarias …

I'd like my kernel vanilla, please

Yep, vanilla is the flavor of the kernel for me. I like using vanilla in #funtoo. It is nice and it is simple. No patches. No security watch-cha-ma-call-it or anything like that. Just me and that good 'ol penguin; which deals with my hardware, networking and you-name-it systems.

I like …

Directorio de Organizaciones que tengan que ver con FOSS @ México

Pues me puse a hacer un directorio en github.

La idea es que colaboremos todos en registar los Grupos de Usuarios de Linux (GUL) o Grupos de Usuarios de Gnu & Linux (GUGL) en el directorio.

Pero, no se limita a estos. Si tienes cualquier tipo …

HowTo: Use a dual screen setup with two graphics cards on GNOME

Well, I've been having problems with radeon. My card (Firepro v4900) is overheating when a dual screen setup is in use. The reason seems to be pretty well outlined here.

And my old friend, dpm, is to blame... Luckily, I got another v4900 from a friend and plugged it in …

HowTo: Change your css according to client's time

I am no fan of javascript. In fact, I despise it. But, recently, it occured to me that it would be cool to change the CSS theme according to the client's time.

Here's how:

function change_css_according_to_time() {
    var d = new Date();
    var h = d.getHours();

    if ( h >= 7 && h <= 19 ) {
        console …

Two big ideas: the biometric helper and the auto-music video app

Ok, today, I had two big ideas.

Speaking with Gabriel, I came up with a mini device; pluggable to the computer via USB, a PAN or whatever. The device would be a medical device that you attach to your finger. It would take various metrics; including temperature, pressure, pulse and …

Ideas for Google

So, the other day a google email arrived suggesting they might be interested in hiring me.

So, that got me thinking and reading (about algorithms and design patters, btw).

I thought what would I answer if I got asked: "So, what product ideas might you have?". I came up with …

Vendo mis instrumentos musicales


Estoy vendiendo mis instrumentos musicales:

Si hay algún interesado(a), favor de contactarme.

Estoy vendiendo:

  • Teclado Kurzweil PC2X de 8 octavas y tecla pesada
  • Sampler Akai MPC4000Plus
  • Mixer Yamaha 01v96v2
  • Interfaz de grabación M-Audio Firewire 1814