
Crashing your kernel on purpose

Ok, that sounds funny, doesn't it? Well, it turns out, sometimes, you want to test your kernel dump or something of the sorts. Here's how to do it:

echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

This will, instanly, crash your kernel.


HowTo: Ask questions in Bash?

I've been writing some script to configure some firewall and came up with this way of asking a question in Bash. I hope it helps as an example. Feel free to contribute your own:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

ask() {
    local query=$1

    if ( echo $query | grep -qi password ); then
        read …

HowTo: Fixing Dovecot 2.2 in CentOS 7.2


If you update dovecot on CentOS 7, it will brake! You need to update one of the config files in order for it to keep working.

# /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf

namespace inbox {
    inbox = yes

So, basically, you need to add inbox = yes within the inbox namespace.

Far away: A Creative Commons success story

Once upon a time, I made a song for a good friend (Juan Carlos Cano); since he got a good contract from a big label and he was to record an album.

The song was made and I uploaded it to my website …

HowTo: Generate free SSL certificates for Nginx/Tengine with LetsEncrypt

OK, it's fairly easy to get this done on a distro like Funtoo/Gentoo or Fedora, which are the distros I use.

First of all, you need to install this thing on your server:

# Fedora
su -
dnf -y install letsencrypt

# Funtoo/Gentoo
su -
mkdir src && cd src
git clone https …

HowTo: Compilando crystal en Fedora 22

Me ha interesado mucho el lenguaje de programación crystal:

Este lenguaje tiene la sintaxis muy parecida a Ruby; si no es que igual. Parece que hasta el Matzu; creador de Ruby, es fan del proyecto.

En todo caso, para compilarlo en Fedora, hice un script. El script …

HowTo: Permanently redirect a request with parameter consideration in Tengine/NginX

Well, this one gave me a super hard time. I looked everywhere and found nothing. There is a lot of misinformation.

As usual, the Nginx and Funtoo communities helped me. Thanks to:

  • MTecknology in #nginx @ Freenode
  • Tracerneo in #funtoo @ Freenode

So, how do we do this? Easy, we use a …

CFDI y FOSS @ México

Bueno, de la manera más informal y no oficial, me gustaría escribir el primer artículo; presumo, sobre

Es un proyectito que están escribiendo unos batos locos del D.F. y de PythonCabal; así como de otros lados. Una colaboración como pocas que han habido en …

El dir-foss va creciendo

Que gusto me dá que esté creciendo el proyecto de dir-foss. La gente de México ha estado colaborando bastante para hacer el proyecto de fiar y demás.

Nos faltan algunas cosas, todavía. Por ejemplo:

  • Hay que hacerlo más bonito.
  • Hay que seguir agregando gente.
  • Hay que escribir algunas pruebillas unitarias …

I'd like my kernel vanilla, please

Yep, vanilla is the flavor of the kernel for me. I like using vanilla in #funtoo. It is nice and it is simple. No patches. No security watch-cha-ma-call-it or anything like that. Just me and that good 'ol penguin; which deals with my hardware, networking and you-name-it systems.

I like …