Archive > Tag: fedora

HowTo: Wait for any process to finish on Bash

Well, here's a quick one.

Let's say you're creating a KVM/Qemu guest; using oz-install; and you're tired, 'cause it's 06:31 and you need some sleep.

You don't want to wait the 2k seconds it takes to do all the work so you want to setup a bash script …

HowTo: Build and Use Fedora 20 for/on Google Cloud

So, in my last post, I promised to post these instructions. As if I ever kept secrets from you!

Update: Please, visit my repo where you can find the updated code:

So, here's the magic:

Initialize (last post)

This takes care of setup. Read and …

HowTo: Install Google Cloud SDK from the CLI on Fedora 20

Basically, this is a HowTo that prevents the usage of a browser in installation.


Easy. I wanted to build my own image; from scratch. I wanted 20 on that cloud. The problem is that I have the poorest Internet connection …

HowTo: Fedora 20 and the FOSS xorg-x11-drv-ati driver

I've been having this problem lately:

My Fedora 20 would freeze; after a while, while using the <em>xorg-x11-drv-ati</em> driver.

Another thing I noticed, was the fan of the card going up and up like crazy.

First thing I did, was install <em>lm_sensors</em>:

yum -y install lm_sensors …

HowTo: cgminer as systemd service

Ok, I have been setting up my up with to be able to control my hardware.

Obviously, I had to compile cgminer, which is straightforward.

So, I want the CubieTruck to start, automatically, as a …

HowTo: Viewing documentation on GNU & Linux

Ok, so, before I go to bed, I wanted to share a quick tip with you.

Sometimes, you wanna check a man page on the CLI. AFAIK, you have two alternatives:

# man
man rsync

# info
info rsync

These are, both, pretty convenient and useful. But, sometimes, you wanna check it …

MariaDB + Galera: Regazón a la hora de sincronizar (SSI)

Hoy tuvimos una caida del cluster por un tiempo bastante considerable (fueron al rededor de 30-45 minutos creo).

El problema fue que hice un cambio en la configuración del cluster para que usase America/Mexico_City como timezone.

El cluster no lo aceptó y, al intentar reiniciar 2 de los nodos …

HowTo: Quick and dirty MyISAM to InnoDB convert while importing

Recently, I've been playing around with the all-mighty MariaDB + Galera Multi-Master cluster!

Yeah, one thing that got me chasing my own tail was the fact that Galera does not support MyISAM... damn... the pain!

Anyway, I figured a quick and dirty trick to import DBs to galera:

mysql -u root …

Cómo promover al FOSS en el Gobierno Mexicano

Acabo de publicar un artículo muy interesante en la Te recomiendo que lo léas y lo extiendas si puedes.


Último commit de las LeyesMexicanas

Bueno, al parecer nuestros diputados se ponen a chambearle duro para agregar sus patches a las leyes mexicanas: