
Far away: A Creative Commons success story

Once upon a time, I made a song for a good friend (Juan Carlos Cano); since he got a good contract from a big label and he was to record an album.

The song was made and I uploaded it to my website:

So, Juan heard it and liked it. I don't know if he ended up putting it on the album or not.

A year passed and a great artist,; from Brazil, decided to make an awesome video of him painting a guitar and decided to use "Far away"; which he found on; a Creative Commons website for artists, like me, who like to upload their songs with a Freedom-friendly licenses.

The video: is awesome... and it got 6,000,000 views... wow!

People asked for the song so I decided to upload it to the website of my Creative Commons band:

I am impressed of what happened. I didn't have any expectations for that song... for none of my songs. I just make them because I love to listen to them. It feels awesome when someone else appreciates it. In this case, I got the chance of being heard by 6,000,000 people. This is far more than what I wished for.

Thank you Carlos. Thank you, listener. I am delighted to learn that people appreciates my music.

Feel free to download it, share it, change it and sing it with your friends if you feel like it. Same goes for all my music. It is mine and yours.

Thank you!